
Each law firm involved in the “CustomsLawGroup” project is a specialist on customs law and international trade with broad scope of experience with application of customs law in the particular country. They apply the customs provisions in their complexity, with regard to tax legislation. Next to VAT, the firms master excise duties.

Client in need of such specialised legal services – in any of the participating countries – can contact law firm listed on our website with guarantee that this firm has necessary expertise, local knowledge and is capable of efficient communication in both foreign and local language as it is in contact with customs authorities.


PROSMAN AND PAVLOVIČ Law Office Ltd., is a law firm established in Slovakia, with entrenched position on the Central European market. Main office of the firm is located in Trnava, with branches situated in Bratislava and Nitra. We provide legal services to Slovak and foreign clients within Slovak republic. We are a dynamic and highly professional team which efficiently joins experience with expertise.

We provide corporate and commercial advice with focus on customs and excise duty solutions. Through counselling on all types of customs matters including AEO, no matter the complexity of the issue or specific transaction, we offer to our clients tailor-made solutions.

Our law firm was established in 2008 and provides a combination of specialised expertise on customs legislation and thorough knowledge of Slovak legal system. We acquired the experience from holding several different functions in the Customs Administration of the Slovak Republic. Together we form team of experts on national and European customs law and on excise duties. We support our client in finding conceptual solutions bearing in mind the details of the everyday business of the client.

Aside from one-off solutions we provide our clients with complete legal services, including litigation services and preparation and updating of contracts, judicial and extrajudicial debt recovery and dealing with employment issues.

The aim of our law firm is to help our clients navigate in international trade through our services relating to movement of goods in and out of Europe and elsewhere, and to navigate in complicated legal and regulatory patchwork of regulations that companies must face in order to fully realize the market access gains.

We advise our clients, e.g. Budamar Logistics, Rhenus Logistics, IKEA Components, on multisided cases with customs, taxation and logistical aspects.

Prosman a Pavlovič advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.

PPAK Plynárenská 1, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel.: + 421 02 3211 4774
Fax: + 421 33 53 32 389


“International Law & Business Centre (ILBC)” with headquarters in Krakow is a law firm that specializes in providing comprehensive legal services to both Polish and foreign legal entities. Since many years we are working with leaders in financial industry, fuel and gas, solar technologies, IT and many other fields. We are a legal office represented by a dozen of lawyers here at ILBC law firm.

We have not only won the trust of our clients, but we also offer extensive knowledge and the necessary experience to meet any, even the most difficult challenges. ILBC is particularly proud of the successful achievement in finalizing one of the largest M&A processes in the field of new technologies/IT in the year 2014 in Poland.

We offer individual approach to each client, knowledge of his activities and the specificity of his business by delivering thoughtful solutions that will not only increase the efficiency in economic performance, but also mitigate the risks and save allocated resources of companies.

Whenever there is a legal constraint, ILBC is ready to take the challenge.

Karol Obrebski

 Ilbc - logo Tel.: +48-605-960-345
E-mail: karol.obrebski@ilbc.pl

Czech Republic

PONCZA | SRAMEK is a law firm with a ten year old history of helping its clients such as i.a. manufacturers, importers, exporters, freight forwarders, fuel traders, customs agents and real estate brokers of Czech national and international nature to succeed in the national and international marketplace.

Our law firm provides comprehensive services in all areas of law affecting business and entrepreneurship, specializing in international business, international carriage of goods by road and rail, Intra-Community movement of goods (including oil and mineral oil) in the European Union, excise duties, value added taxes, duties and tax optimization on the international level.

Our law firm helps to establish legal frameworks for commercial activities to minimize risk and maximize profitability, to legally optimize yet existing businesses, as well as represents its clients in tax audits and tax assessment proceedings and proceedings before courts, including economic criminality proceedings.

PONCZA | SRAMEK law firms aim is to provide results-oriented and cost-effective legal services to help its clients to succeed and secure their wealth and property.

We provide legal services in Czech, English, Polish and Slovak languages.

PONCZA | SRAMEK law firm is always on your side.

Attorneys at Law PONCZA | SRAMEK

 logoPonczaSramek198 Českobratrská 2, villa Antonia,
702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 596 111 049
Tel.: +420 604 992 872
Fax.: +420 596 112 040
E-mail: sramek@poncza-sramek.cz





Az Iroda 2007. június 11. napján alakult dr. Mayer M. Balázs irodavezető ügyvéd elhatározása alapján. Tevékenységét elsősorban a jövedéki- és vámjog és munkajog területén fejti ki, mely szakterületeken az irodavezető ügyvéd több, mint 10 éves gyakorlattal rendelkezik. Az Iroda által ellátott ügyek között e speciális szakterületek mellett a klasszikus polgári és társasági jog is rendszeresen előfordul. Az Iroda a DRD Ügyvédi Társulás tagja (www.drd.hu).

Az irodavezető ügyvéd 2002. és 2007. között a Vám- és Pénzügyőrség Országos Parancsnokságán dolgozott jogi előadóként, majd jogtanácsosként. E munkája során jellemzően munkaügyi, továbbá vám- és jövedéki területet érintő közigazgatási perekben járt el, de a hagyományos polgári jogi ügyek is a feladatok részét képezték.   Munkája során elengedhetetlen volt a vám- és jövedéki joganyag részletes ismerete.

Az iroda komplex jogi szolgáltatás nyújtására képes a vámjogi – spedítőri jogterületen. Ennek keretében a szállítmányozás (fuvarozás) teljes folyamatának jogi támogatását végezzük azonnali jogi tanácsadás, komplexebb ügyek esetén írásbeli állásfoglalások segítségével. Ügyfeleinket támogatni tudjuk a hatóságokkal történő kapcsolattartásban, így különösen a vám elé állítás, és az egyes vámeljárás-típusok szakszerű lebonyolításában. Irodánk specialitása, hogy hatékony segítséget tud nyújtani a helyszíni (adott esetben határ vagy belterületi vámhivatali) ügyintézésben is figyelemmel arra, hogy kiváló kapcsolatokat ápolunk Magyarország legnagyobb vámügynök cégeivel, valamint „AEO” minősítésű adójogi képviseletet ellátó cégekkel is. Jogi munkánk fontos része továbbá az egyedi hatósági határozatok elleni jogorvoslati és közigazgatási peres eljárásokban történő jogi képviselet ellátása.


  • gazdaságilag jelentős nemzetközi fuvarozási és vámügynöki tevékenységet ellátó cégek részére rendszeres jogi tanácsadás, peres képviselet munkajog, jövedéki és vámjog szakterületen,
  • kereskedelemmel foglalkozó multinacionális cégek részére jövedéki jogi tanácsadás, jövedéki adóval kapcsolatos közigazgatási perekben jogi képviselet ellátása.

Mayer M. Balázs Ügyvédi Iroda, dr.  Mayer  M. Balázs ügyvéd

logohu 1051 Budapest, Hercegprímás u. 11.
Tel: +36/1-354-1867
Mobil: 06/70-934-9021




Law Firm – Rechtsanwaltkanzlei Mgr. Petra Schinnenburgová Advokátka /Attorney at Law

The law firm specializes in international legal consultancy, particularly in German-Czech legal relationships. Our linguistic knowledge and our qualification enables you to achieve enforcement of your rights, or their protection to best effect.


  • we represent interests of subjects from Czech Republic in the territory of Germany,  judicially and extra judicially,
  • we represent interests of subjects from Germany in the territory of Czech Republic,  judicially and extra judicially,
  • our linguistic knowledge and enforcement of your rights in the territory of Czech Republic and Germany by one single law firm is your advantage,
  • conflict of law cases, where a collision between the legal systems of Czech Republic and Germany occurs. This concerns cases, when German courts decide according to Czech law and vice versa, Czech courts decide according to German law.

Of course, we are working in close cooperation with other law firms.

Areas of Specialization:

Private clientele in the area of civil, criminal and administrative law:

  • Law of succession,
  • Sports law,
  • Indemnification,
  • Enforcement of decisions (CZ, D),
  • Debt recovery (CZ, D).

Commercial clientele:

  • Value added tax (CZ, D),
  • International commercial law,
  • Transport law,
  • Insolvency law,
  • Sports law,
  • Indemnification,
  • Enforcement of decisions (CZ, D),
  • Debt recovery (CZ, D),
  • Customs law.


Mgr. Petra Schinnenburgová

 logo Hamburg
Rechtsanwältin Mgr. Petra Schinnenburgová Advokátka
Lerchenfeld 3
D-22081 Hamburg
Phone no.: 0049/40 285 12 309
Fax: 0049/40 285 12 311
E-mail: info@petra-schinnenburgova.com
Advokátka Mgr. Petra Schinnenburgová Rechtsanwältin
V nových domcích 13
CZ-102 00 Praha 15
Phone no.: 00420/272706125
Fax: 00420/272706125
E-mail: info@petra-schinnenburgova.com